Thursday, January 15, 2015

How Does One Start An Pastoral Letter?

“Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ!”

It is a fitting way to open his letter, in praise of God.  In the opening, there was reference to God, to Jesus, and to the Spirit.  Here, we will look more closely at God and at Jesus, how they relate, and who they are to Peter’s, and our, faith. 

Blessed be… Blessings are usually considered in the bible as flowing to us from our God.  Peter here is placing the blessings upon our God.  What does that mean to us?

… the God and Father… We consider our God and the role of our God as Father.  It is certainly not the exclusive role of our God, but one way in which He has revealed Himself to us.

of our Lord Jesus Christ!  Such is the central role of God in the writings of Peter.  It certainly does not exhaust who God is, but instead is a way for Peter to bring focus to where the infinite wonder and power of God is brought to bear.

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