Thursday, January 22, 2015

Blessings, God, and Jesus…

“Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ!”

 In one sentence, we see three of the most significant words in the Christian faith.  Moving forward, references to God and to Jesus, unless there is something new to unpack from them, will be connected to the context in which they arise.  That is, there won’t be a fresh posting every time “Jesus” comes up.

Peter is blessing God.  What comes next unpacks this thesis.  Peter starts by explaining why God is to be blessed, outlining what God has done in the lives of all believers.  That will carry us to verse 6 in the next sentence.  From there, Peter outlines why rejoicing is the proper response to these gifts from God.  This paragraph is completed by Peter’s recognition that although his readers are not eyewitnesses to Jesus, there is still reason to rejoice.

So we will look to this first theme of Peter’s letter, why the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ is truly to be blessed.


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