Wednesday, May 20, 2015

“Might Angels Be Eager For Our Destruction?”

It was revealed to them that they were serving not themselves but you, in regard to the things that have now been announced to you through those who brought you good news by the Holy Spirit sent from heaven-things into which angels long to look!      (1 Peter 1:12)

God’s angels, heavenly messengers, the members of the heavenly court of the King of Kings, as great as they are, there are things that are not for them, but for us.  They wish to see the things that have been brought to the Jews of the Diaspora, to us.

There are movies, like “Dogma”, and television shows, like “Supernatural”, where angelic beings are portrayed basically hating us poor humans.  We are weak, we are fallen, we are pathetic, and God loves us more than the angels.  It makes them jealous of us, even eager for our destruction.  That is not a biblical view of angels mind you, just a Hollywood one.

But like anything, it finds some root in reality.  Lucifer is a fallen angel, one who turned against God, so it can happen.  And here we are, getting really cool divine knowledge that the angels have been left out of.  From our human point of view, we could understand how that might tick them off, just a little bit.

Quite frankly, there just isn’t enough in the Bible to truly be able to create a psychological profile of an angel.  They serve God in a way we were meant to, till we broke with God, like Lucifer.  Except this time, God set in motion a way back.

Maybe that is what the angels long to look into.  If there is a way for humans to be made right with God, is there a way for Lucifer to be made right?  Again, I am applying human motives to angelic beings, interesting to contemplate, but hard to prove.

Peter here is punctuating the delight and the wonder of what we have received from God.  It is something unique, something that even the angels haven’t seen before.  And they want to see what we have received as surely as we do.