1 Peter 1:13 Therefore prepare your minds for
action; discipline yourselves; set all your hope on the grace
that Jesus Christ will bring you when he is revealed.
ended back in May was a tight reading and interpretation of the first twelve
verses of 1 Peter 1. Sentence by
sentence, phrase by phrase, what does Peter mean in his writing? It was a personal discipline, and devotional,
looking to Scripture for its deeper and more wonderful truths. It was meant to be devotional, educational, a
form of Bible study for myself and those who might read along.
continues now, distributed more widely, to the Session and certain members of
the church. The previous entries on the blog
lay out what was said in the first twelve verses. This is a gift for you to follow along in a
close reading.
believe God has a call for us and to know Him better, we must look to the Word
that has been given to us.
first post in the series considers the verse, broken down into phrases. The next set of posts will take each of the
phrases in turn. It will end with a
treatment of the entire verse, seeking to draw threads together.
13 Therefore prepare your minds for action;
In the first 12 verses, Peter has been talking about the power
and mission of Jesus, something that will demand a reaction from the
yourselves; This
is the language of how we come to Jesus, and how Jesus comes through us. The Christian life demands disciplines of
faith and obedience that we do not wander astray. It is not ‘automatic’.
all your hope on the grace that Jesus Christ will bring you Peter looks back to the first 12 verses, where he outlines what
this grace is, how it is the anchor of faith in Jesus.
he is revealed. This may be a trickier
bit. Jesus was revealed, but has since
ascended into heaven. He will be
revealed again, at the end of time. Will
he somehow be revealed in this ‘middle time’ as well?
this becomes overly complex, please tell me.
If I am incomprehensible, please let me know. The aim is to use the study of Scripture as a
unifying movement in our Lord Jesus as we seek to live out our mission of
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